I have a job, a husband, two kids, and a dog. I've decided that they are funny enough to start a blog. I've wanted to start one for years and decided today is the day. Let's see how this goes.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My sophomore post

Well, I haven't done such a good job so far on my blog. In fact, I wish I hadn't publicized it quite so much. I had two reasons for doing so, really. One was to put a little motivation on myself to get going. It's like going on a diet and telling people so you will have some accountablility. The second reason was totally selfish. I thought that if I told my family and friends, people would have to be EXTRA nice to me. I mean, who wants to end up the bad guy on my blog :) Genius, right? I'll have to see how that second reason pans out. I picture myself calling James something like "Jim" and posting a picture of him with a bar over his eyes like they used to do on the back page of Glamour magazine. Remember Glamour "don'ts" ladies? I was always a tiny bit relieved each month not to be pictured on that page.
Thanks everyone, for your comments on my first post. That was the best part! I am trying to figure out how to follow all of my friends that have blogs. Right now I just have you in my favorites--Rachel and Rebecca. Erikjwithak, I need your info again. I'm SOOO not techno savvy so this is a big stretch for me. I'm working on being able to post pictures, etc. I think I need to take a class! David, thanks for my font critique....as soon as I can figure out how to change it I will. Okay, this post wasn't about too much. More to come in the near future! Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


After years and years of threatening to do it, I have decided to start my own blog. I have loved following some of my friends and have decided to join in the fun. I don't know if our lives are interesting enough to fill a whole blog, but I often have random thoughts and this might be a good place to share them....